Hear Talk: Cochlear Implants (CIs): What you need to know and are you a candidate?
Please join us on December 10th as we talk to professionals from Lethbridge-Lay-
ton-Mackay (LLM) Rehabilitation Centre about Cochlear Implants. As most of you know
from the Fall 2018 HearHear Magazine, Hampstead’s Mayor Steinberg worked tirelessly to have CI surgery available in Montreal. Thanks to him and the many people who supported him, CI surgery will be performed in Montreal in the future. Come to this workshop to learn what a CI is and whether it may be for you.
Date: December 10th, 2019 Time: 1pm – 3pm
Place: 7000 Sherbrooke St. West Room: C234
Speaker: Liliane Brunetti
Register by December 2nd
[gview file=”https://hearhear.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Hear-Talk-Poster-CI.pdf”]