The Lily Bernstein Awareness and Accessibility offers many accessible activities aimed at improving the lives of those affected by hearing loss.
Lily Bernstein was one of Hear Québec’s founding members and the first elected president. Lily had a dream for some time to provide help to hard of hearing people through accessibility building, information sharing, and the teaching of communication strategies.
Those affected by hearing loss require some initial support and ongoing resources/information in order to overcome the barriers that come with hearing loss and to fully incorporate themselves into society.
Contact to learn how to improve accessibility today!
Hearing loss may be an invisible disability, but that is no excuse for ignoring accessibility needs! The Awareness and Accessibility program is here to reduce the barriers faced by people with hearing loss and provide accessible environments, both at home and in public spaces. Find out more below!
Event planning is complex, but we are here to support you! From Comedy to Galas to Theatre, we have experience in advising on the most effective and inclusive accessibility measures. We can provide equipment, expertise and the resources you need to host a truly accessible event.
Technology is amazing, but are you using yours? We can help you make the most out of your Assistive Listening Devices to ensure that your environment is accessible to you.
Are you looking for ways to ensure that your workplace is accessible? We can help you identify the barriers that people with disabilities face and ensure that you are providing an inclusive environment for your employees.
We work with accessibility centres, students and administration to ensure that people pursuing post-secondary have the opportunity to succeed.
Support for Students and Educators
Students with hearing loss and their educators often benefit from additional support in finding the resources and information that they need. We have helped many students get in touch with the academic advisors in order to better their educational experience.
We are also happy to help students find scholarships and bursaries for those with hearing loss.
Including: Bonnycastle Scholarship and Bursary Funds
Workplace Support
Hear Québec offers one on one support to any professional affected by hearing loss. We are committed to helping tear down barriers for those with hearing loss in their professional lives. We are happy to share our knowledge about:
- Accessibility in the Workplace
- How to make your meeting, workshops or webinars accessible to those with hearing loss.
Employment Services
Job placement services for those with hearing loss:
Working with Hearing Loss during the Pandemic
Professionals: Click here to view and print the article.