Welcome to Our Skills Development Programs
At Hear Québec, we are dedicated to equipping our members with the essential tools needed to navigate life confidently despite hearing loss.
Our skills development programs offer tailored sessions focused on speechreading, auditory training, & communication strategies. By participating in these programs, members gain the skills and confidence necessary to actively engage in conversations and social interactions.
Offered this 2024
Boost Your Confidence with Our Speechreading Program
At Hear Quebec, we equip you with essential tools to handle life with hearing loss. Our sessions offer speechreading and practical communication strategies to help you jump back into conversations.
Speechreading Uncovered
When hearing decreases, adapting your communication approach is key. Speechreading allows you to understand conversations by focusing on lip, tongue, and facial movements. It’s a challenging skill, but it can make a real difference in various settings.
Visual Cues: Your Advantage
Visual cues are powerful allies in understanding speech, especially in noisy places. By observing gestures and other situational clues, you can enhance your communication and gain confidence.
Combine & Shine
Speechreading, when paired with hearing aids or sign language, can boost your confidence in social settings and help you stay engaged.
Register Now!
Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to empower yourself. Secure your spot today and start your journey toward better communication!
*Please note that fees apply for participation.